On the 16th of December the Hochschule Kehl successfully organized a Multiplier Event for LOTUS with the title “Die Energiewende – ohne Städte und Gemeinen geht es nicht” (engl.: The energy transition – it won’t work without municipalities). The topic attracted a strong interest and around 60 representatives of German and French municipalities, universities and institutions were participating.
During the morning, four best practice examples were presented (Freiamt, Ulm, Dußlingen, Strasbourg). After the lunch break and networking the participants discussed on civic participation and funding possibilities of renewable energies in two groups. After a panel discussion the day ended with a get together.
The event was organized in cooperation with the Gemeindetag and Städtetag BW. We are very grateful for the special support of the Verein der Freunde of the HSK.
The whole event oganized sustainable as far as possible, e.g. the usage of reusable cups and dishes, food with a low carbon footprint from the LoLo in Kehl, and reusable decorations.