Thermal Retrofit and the Local Construction Industry

In the framework of LOTUS research, we conducted several case studies on thermal retrofit projects across European countries. Today, as uncertainties regarding energy prices are growing, communities and businesses are looking for means to facilitate the thermal retrofit of their buildings. In France, “Doremi” concept in Drôme department and “Mur Mur” campaign in Grenoble metropolitan area have already gained recognition as best practice examples that can be reproduced in other territories.

An important aspect of these two initiatives was the involvement of local companies and artisanry as a means to strengthen local economies by boosting skills and preserving local workforce. These initiatives display yet again the inter-scalar nature of energy transition policies and projects, obliging to act on international, national and territorial levels.

Read more: Solange de Fréminville, « Rénovation énergétique : c’est mieux avec des artisans locaux », La Gazette des Communes, 08.11.2022,

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