We are glad to share the call for abstracts for a Special Issue of the European Journal of Spatial Development.
The Special Issue will be edited by Federica Rotondo (Politecnico di Torino), Francesca Bragaglia (Politecnico di Torino), Luca Tricarico (CNR-IRCRES), and Matteo Zulaniello (RSE-Ricerca Sistema Energetico). EJSD is an open access journal (free of charge) providing high-quality scientific contributions to spatial planning, regional development, policy making and governance, from European and EU-related perspectives.
The editors are seeking critical, creative, normative and interpretative reflections with an engaged focus on the environmental, social and, governance dimensions of local energy transition policies and practices in Southern Europe. The deadline for abstracts submission (250 words maximum + maximum 3 bibliographical references) is 10 March 2023. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper for the Special Issue. Each paper will be subject to double blind peer-review as required by EJSD standards. Therefore abstract acceptance is not a guarantee of publication.
Journal website: https://journals.polito.it/index.php/EJSD
For more details you can download the complete call in pdf here: https://aesop-planning.eu/resources/news-archive/members/call-for-abstracts-place-based-just-transition-exploring-the-link-between-policies-and-practices-in-southern-europe?fbclid=IwAR0wH03YVeQ6An4bMfZvOV-B2u4azEXsTlAALJNjNpo2xtbzCRb889gO50Y